
Hot module reloading broken since 2.2.3 using default options

woutervanvliet opened this issue · 4 comments

I just updated to 2.2.3 and noticed my HMR no longer working. It's configured by:

adding the following to the entry:



new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),

to my plugins.

I then swap out my server module like so:

if ( {'./server', () => {
		server.removeListener('request', currentApp);
		server.on('request', app);
		currentApp = app;

Which worked in 2.2.1. But now I an see webpack generating some hot updates, and nothing else. Trying to call the server now results in connection refused - probably because it got shut down when it got killed.

When I disable the new signal, HMR works again.

@tikotzky thoughts? I assumed that the polling would continue working, and the USR2 signal would be ignored…

@woutervanvliet in the meantime you can switch to 'webpack/hot/signal' which should just work…

I would think it would be ignored as well.
I tested by me and pretty sure it was working...

For now you can switch to use webpack/hot/signal instead of webpack/hot/poll?1000
or you can set signal: false in the config for the start server plugin.

Both options work indeed. Loving webpack/hot/signal - listening is so much better than polling ;-).

imho; this issue can be solved by a documentation update
also imho; this change should probably not have been a patch update, as it introduced a breaking change - at least in my setup.

Making it default to false in the next patch release, I hope the npm build works :-/