
Pinned tabs don't remain pinned after restarting Atom

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Pinned tabs don't remain pinned after restarting Atom anymore. They used to but now I have to re-pin them every time I start Atom.

OS: Ubuntu 17.04
Atom: 1.17.2 x64
pinned-tabs: 1.1.0

I'm experiencing the same issue, but hadn't noticed it yet, thanks for reporting! I will try to solve it asap ๐Ÿ™‚

Resolved this issue in 5b2385d, I will soon publish the fix ๐Ÿ™‚

This problem is still occurring for me despite having Atom 1.20.1 and pinned-tabs 2.0.1 installed.

That is odd ๐Ÿค” does it happen for every project/folder or just for a specific one? Also, Atom 1.20.1 or 1.22.1 (the latest version)?

Re: Atom, I had been on the old version, but I updated and it is still happening. Seems to be every project/folder. And I started with a fresh window, re-adding project folders and files, but that didn't fix it for me...

Okay, thanks for the additional info ๐Ÿ˜„ Two more questions:

  • Do you see anything in the console (ctrl+shift+i) when you pin a tab or open a project with pinned tabs?
  • Can you give a list of other community packages you're using?

Thanks for the persistence with your ideas and help--by the process of elimination, I did isolate the problem to a "conflict" with zentabs, a package I had installed along with a few others including yours, and which I hadn't gotten around to really exploring.

By design, zentabs eliminates tabs when one opens more than the specified number (defaulting to 5), and that includes eliminating what your package considers pinned tabs too (their own notion of "pinned" tabs refers to tabs whitelisted so that they don't get auto-eliminated when there is an overflow in tab number).

However, while it seems zentabs may sometimes preserve pinned tabs ("pinned" by your usage)--apparently preexisting ones may be ok--I see problems with persisting newly pinned tabs (again, "pinned" by your usage) after a restart, even when the total tab number is less than the designated zentabs overflow number.

I don't know if this is due to the fact that both of your packages leverage "pinned" (do you perhaps have CSS classes named "pinned"?) And I didn't see any console errors, but hopefully this isolating of the problem may give you a means to resolve if you wish.

FWIW, though, it turns out I don't really need the zentabs behavior myself (I thought if your package didn't work, I could use zentabs' pinned tabs, but I hadn't looked carefully to see what their idea of "pinning" was).

Thank you for doing the process of elimination for me ๐Ÿ˜„

I don't know if this is due to the fact that both of your packages leverage "pinned" (do you perhaps have CSS classes named "pinned"?)

I do, and I expect that causes the issue

FWIW, though, it turns out I don't really need the zentabs behavior myself

I will still look into the issue, so thanks for reporting it ๐Ÿ˜„ But for the time being you're probably better of disabling zentabs ๐Ÿ˜‰

I did open a new issue in favor of this one so it is easier for other to find out there is an issue related to zentabs, see #44