
Add support for non-Pull Request update workflows

Closed this issue · 1 comments


As of v0.1.0 it is only possible to use this action to create a Pull Request with updates. This should probably be extended to support other workflows as well.


If you have a suggestion, please comment or open a new issue.

  • Pull Request
  • Commit (#18)

What it could look like

Support multiple preset workflows, from the user's perspective this would look like:

# Create a Pull Request with updates
- uses: ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action/pr@vX.Y.Z
    max: 1

# Create and push a commit with updates
- uses: ericcornelissen/tool-versions-update-action/commit@vX.Y.Z
    branch: main # Example: would commit the updates to main

# etc...

This issue was closed wit the implementation of a workflow for creating a commit. If you have any suggestions for another workflow please open a new issue.