
Support skipping a release of a tool

Closed this issue · 0 comments


Actions in this project will try to update tooling to the latest version no matter what. However, sometimes you don't want to upgrade a tool (e.g. because the new version is buggy, you need time to migrate, or the new version doesn't introduce anything useful). If that's the case, currently the actions will keep bugging you to update with constant Pull Requests (or commits) - or if you're using the max option potentially even preventing you from receiving updates for other tools.

As such, to make the actions in this project more useful, support should be added to skip a specific release of a given tool.


Support this in at least one of the following ways, ideally maybe even multiple:

  • Specify $tool@$version in the workflow configuration to skip that specific version of the tool.
  • Automatically ignore the version if a previous Pull Request upgrading to that version was closed, or similar (e.g. like the @dependabot close comment).


Currently none. #7 could provide a workaround in that sense that tools could be ignored. Specify the tool that should not be updated using the not: option.