
Comment-related characters in comments may cause the comment content to be mangled

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Bug Report

WebMangler core v0.1.23


Both the built-in CSS and JavaScript language plugins have problems where comments will be mangled if certain (comment-related) characters appear in the comment.


  • CSS Language Plugin (#143)
  • JavaScript Language Plugin (#139)

Steps to Reproduce

CSS Language Plugin

Mangle the following CSS using the CSS Language Plugin and the CSS Class Mangler using the pattern cls-[a-z]+. Both .cls-bar and .cls-baz will be mangled even though they're in a comment.

.cls-foo { }
/* / .cls-bar { } */
/* * .cls-baz { } */

JavaScript Language Plugin

Mangle the following JavaScript using the JavaScript Language Plugin and the CSS Class Mangler using the pattern cls-[a-z]+. Both .cls-bar and .cls-baz will be mangled even though they're in a comment.

/* * document.querySelectorAll(".cls-bar"); */
/* / document.querySelectorAll(".cls-baz"); */