
CSS langauge plugin v0.1.24 not recognizing large chunks of CSS

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Bug Report

  • Package: language-css
  • Version: 0.1.24


The changes to fix problems related to escaped quotes in strings (see #131 and #151) seem to have introduced some new problems where strings are now recognized incorrectly under certain circumstances. In particular, when a to-be-mangled snippet of CSS is in between two strings, that snippet may be mistaken as being a string.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Have the following CSS in a file:

    div {
       content: "foo";
       color: var(--foobar);
       content: "bar";
  2. Mangle this CSS using the CSS Language Plugin (at v0.1.24, exactly) as well as the CSS Variable Mangler (at v0.1.23) with the pattern [a-z]+.

  3. Observe that the mangled CSS is equivalent to the initial CSS.