
ivy-occur is broken in counsel-projectile-grep

bluewww opened this issue · 2 comments

When you use counsel-projectile-grep with projectile-use-git-grep set to nil, then if you call ivy-occur (C-c C-o) on a the search minibuffer, the resulting ivy-occur buffer will be

1 candidates:
./grep: *search term*: No such file or directory

This is because counsel-grep-like-occur injects a case insensitivity flag with counsel--grep-smart-case-flag when ivy--case-fold-p is true.

The contents of counsel-projectile-grep-command for me is

grep -rnEI [.. omitted ..] -- %s 

This case insensitivity flag will be pasted where
the %s is. As you can see this is after the -- which means the grep command fails.

Hello, thanks for reporting and sorry for the delay, I'll look into this ASAP but I don't have much time currently.

Should work now, please test.