Session not persisting between requests
arialblack14 opened this issue · 2 comments
Well @ericdude4 , I must be doing something wrong.
When I click on a link from the initial page embedded in the app, the session does not persist.
Here is what I have in my router.ex
scope "/auth", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :shopify_entrypoint]
get "/", AuthController, :auth
get "/install", AuthController, :install
scope "/", MyAppWeb do
pipe_through [:browser, :shopify_session]
get "/", EventController, :index
resources "/events", EventController,
Here is the initial response, from get '/auth'
[info] GET /auth
[debug] Processing with MyAppWeb.AuthController.auth/2
Parameters: %{"hmac" => "ca98fc37c42fd5872397600e3dwerrf1c53556dab9f1b98d5f93e598162254", "locale" => "en", "session" => "54798671d0a9f8c3a59ereettc0cafd6c5438124bcfe8748107257f6198bfb04", "shop" => "", "timestamp" => "1590846273"}
Pipelines: [:browser, :shopify_entrypoint]
--------------------[conn from Shopifex.Plug.ShopifyEntrypoint]-----------------------------------------
adapter: {Plug.Cowboy.Conn, :...},
assigns: %{},
before_send: [#Function<0.78923111/1 in>,
#Function<2.86443083/1 in Phoenix.Controller.fetch_flash/2>,
#Function<0.55231287/1 in Plug.Session.before_send/2>,
#Function<0.93523768/1 in>,
#Function<0.2186795/1 in Phoenix.LiveReloader.before_send_inject_reloader/2>],
body_params: %{},
cookies: %{
"_my_app_key" => "SFMyNTY.g3QAAAAA.ZmPHZTgugy2ORhhcf64qgRxfZdx8VyP-vzdrgvA"
halted: false,
host: "",
method: "GET",
owner: #PID<0.615.0>,
params: %{
"hmac" => "ca98fc37c42fd5872397600e3df9226121c53556dab9f1b98d5f93e598162254",
"locale" => "en",
"session" => "54798671d0a9f8c3a5945b638c0cafd6c5438124bcfe8748107257f6198bfb04",
"shop" => "",
"timestamp" => "1590846273"
path_info: ["auth"],
path_params: %{},
port: 80,
private: %{
AutomatoWeb.Router => {[], %{}},
:phoenix_endpoint => MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
:phoenix_flash => %{},
:phoenix_format => "html",
:phoenix_request_logger => {"request_logger", "request_logger"},
:phoenix_router => MyAppWeb.Router,
:plug_session => %{},
:plug_session_fetch => :done
query_params: %{
"hmac" => "ca98fc37c42fd5872397600e3df9226121c53556dab9f1b98d5f93e598162254",
"locale" => "en",
"session" => "54798671d0a9f8c3a5945b638c0cafd6c5438124bcfe8748107257f6198bfb04",
"shop" => "",
"timestamp" => "1590846273"
query_string: "hmac=ca98fc37c42fd5872397600e3df9226121c53556dab9f1brgergwergeg62254&locale=en&session=54798671d0a9f8c3a5945b638c0cafd6c5438124bcfe8748107257f6198bfb04&×tamp=1590846273",
remote_ip: {127, 0, 0, 1},
req_cookies: %{
"_my_app_key" => "SFMyNTY.g3QAAAAA.ZmPHZTi7P6CkiR2ORhhcf64qgRxfZdx8VyP-vzdrgvA"
req_headers: [
{"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate, br"},
{"accept-language", "en-US,en;q=0.9,el;q=0.8,la;q=0.7"},
{"dnt", "1"},
{"host", ""},
{"sec-fetch-dest", "iframe"},
{"sec-fetch-mode", "navigate"},
{"sec-fetch-site", "cross-site"},
{"upgrade-insecure-requests", "1"},
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.61 Safari/537.36"},
{"x-forwarded-for", ""},
{"x-forwarded-proto", "https"}
request_path: "/auth",
resp_body: nil,
resp_cookies: %{},
resp_headers: [
{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"},
{"x-request-id", "FhPSQmGujQPJ8MUAAADh"},
{"x-xss-protection", "1; mode=block"},
{"x-content-type-options", "nosniff"},
{"x-download-options", "noopen"},
{"x-permitted-cross-domain-policies", "none"},
{"cross-origin-window-policy", "deny"}
scheme: :http,
script_name: [],
secret_key_base: :...,
state: :unset,
status: nil
[debug] QUERY OK source="shops" db=16.6ms queue=1.5ms idle=598.7ms
SELECT s0."id", s0."access_token", s0."scopes", s0."url", s0."inserted_at", s0."updated_at" FROM "shops" AS s0 WHERE (s0."url" = $1) [""]
[info] Sent 302 in 110ms
[info] GET /
[debug] Processing with MyAppWeb.EventController.index/2
Parameters: %{}
Pipelines: [:browser, :shopify_session]
******************Result of Phoenix.Controller.get_flash(conn, :shop) in Shopifex.Plug.ShopifySession .call***************
__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "shops">,
access_token: "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",
id: 8,
inserted_at: ~N[2020-05-30 13:33:27],
scopes: "write_inventory,write_products,read_orders",
updated_at: ~N[2020-05-30 13:33:27],
url: ""
[debug] QUERY OK source="events" db=1.7ms queue=1.1ms idle=1056.8ms
SELECT e0."id", e0."data", e0."topic", e0."inserted_at", e0."updated_at" FROM "events" AS e0 []
[info] Sent 200 in 38ms
And here is a subsequent request, which again gets redirected to /auth
[info] GET /events/new
[debug] Processing with
Parameters: %{}
Pipelines: [:browser, :shopify_session]
****************Result of Phoenix.Controller.get_flash(conn, :shop) in Shopifex.Plug.ShopifySession .call*****************
[info] Sent 302 in 656µs
[info] GET /auth
[debug] Processing with MyAppWeb.AuthController.auth/2
Parameters: %{}
Pipelines: [:browser, :shopify_entrypoint]
[info] Sent 200 in 447µs
Any help/info would be much appreciated.
Hi @arialblack14, Thanks for being my guinea pig for this package :)
I have resolved the issue, and updated the documentation. For you to fix this, simply change your :browser pipeline in router.ex
to look like this:
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug Shopifex.Plug.FetchFlash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
plug Shopifex.Plug.LoadInIframe
Then run mix deps.update shopifex
Sorry about my lack of testing beforehand. I was able to get it working smoothly with this recent change. Thank you for your bug report.
Haha, glad I could help :)
Works great now! 🤘 🤘