
Code review request

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Purpose of code changes on this branch:
This is a partial implementation of DTLS support for 
It includes the following enhancements:

- API support for indicating TLS versus DTLS
- The ability to use a certificate fingerprint instead of a certificate to 
indicate the peer.
- Code to drive the OpenSSL retransmission timers/state machine.
- A test harness to exercise some of the above

The big thing missing is support for atomic reads and writes. This is coming.

When reviewing my code changes, please focus on:
This is my first contribution so while I've tried to follow the Google style 
guide and
the surrounding code, I've probably made some major stylistic errors. If you see
such errors (especially if they are systematic) please tell me and I'll fix and 

After the review, I'll merge this branch into:
I don't have commit privileges, so I won't be committing this at all.

Original issue reported on by on 9 Sep 2011 at 11:23


Original comment by on 8 Dec 2011 at 9:35

  • Changed state: Done