Windows missing /dev/app.php
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I made a Windows virtual host and then when i went to the install process i hit install it did this:
File does not exist at path C:\xampp\htdocs\wardrobe\app/config/dev/app.php
then once i added the /dev/app.php i re-ran install and
array_replace_recursive(): Argument #2 is not an array in
protected function mergeEnvironment(array $items, $file)
return array_replace_recursive($items, $this->files->getRequire($file));
The fix for me was to add to start/global.php
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
'local' => array('*.dev'),
Yes this is actually defined in bootstrap/start.php
I just changed to this because I didn't think people would be using 😄
It's not working to me..?
File does not exist at path C:\wamp\www\cms\app/config/local/app.php or
File does not exist at path C:\wamp\www\cms\app/config/production/app.php
Any idea..?
All the problem is going to be at "Wardrobe Install" so has any option to remove this steps, to configure manually the database?
replace these lines
'local' => array('localhost', ''),
'dev' => array(''),
'' => array('localhost', ''),
'dev' => array(''),
it should work with you
Hi Eric
Thanks for your prompt response. I tried the above fix but it still doesn't work.
Actually, I am trying to set this up on live Ubuntu (LAMP) server.
We are actually working on moving this to a composer package so you might be better suited to go ahead and use this one instead -
Just clone that repo and run the composer install. It should move everything into place and hopefully not have the problems you are running into.
Hi Eric,
This is how I fixed it (don't know if it's right way or wrong)
- Created
directory inapp/config
- Copied
- Changed permission
chmod -R 777 production
It works now.
Btw, I installed Wardrobe using composer!
I did make my brand new install called and it said that app/config/local/app.php did not exist, which it doesn't. So I created the /app/config/local/ directory and copied /app/config/app.php into it. The rest of the install went just fine.
There was no mention of /dev as I see in the support here. And I also see the new github location, so just throwing this out there, but looks like a moot point.