
TypeScript files are not actually watched in gulp watch task

dbilenkin opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed the gulp watch.js seems to be watching for html, css and ts files, but it looks like there is a bug in the ts line:

_watchable.push(base.DEV + "**/.ts");
_watchable.push(base.DEV + "**/*.css");
_watchable.push(base.DEV + "**/*.html");

Notice the * missing before the .ts. I'm assuming this is a mistake? Can I create a PR to add the *?

_watchable.push(base.DEV + "**/*.ts");

Yup, this is a mistake.

Thanks for the PR!

Fixed by a34c130.

Thanks for the contribution.

Also, both versions 1.9.5 and next were released with the fix.