
TimeZoneRequest ToUri() converts Timestamp TotalSeconds with comma

dvygolov opened this issue · 2 comments

It's wrong, Google returns 400 http code when we send a double value as a timestamp.
So I added "F0" to ToString() and now it works.

Hey, can you elaborate a little more? Ie, some sample code, and then what ToUri is returning?

Better yet, if you could make a PR that adds a Test to the testing area, I can work on debugging it.

Here is the code, that I used to get the timezone of some city.

                var request = new GeocodingRequest
                    Address = city
                var response = new GeocodingService().GetResponse(request);
                if (response.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok)
                    var timeRequest = new TimeZoneRequest
                        Location = response.Results[0].Geometry.Location,
                        Timestamp = DateTime.Now
                    var timeResponse=new TimeZoneService().GetResponse(timeRequest);
                    if (timeResponse.Status == ServiceResponseStatus.Ok)
                        return (int)(timeResponse.RawOffSet / 3600);

It failed on the line with TimeZoneService().GetResponse. I looked at what was happening and saw that TimeZoneRequest.ToUri() converted TotalSeconds ToString with a comma inside the string. So, I had to change ToUri() method like this:

        public override Uri ToUri()
            if (Location == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Location property is not set.");

            var qsb = new QueryStringBuilder();
            var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            qsb.Append("location", Location.GetAsUrlParameter())
                .Append("timestamp", (Timestamp.ToUniversalTime() - epoch).TotalSeconds.ToString("F0"))
                .Append("language", Language);

            var url = "json?" + qsb;

            return new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative);

Now, everything works as expected.