
Separate build for .NET v4.5

richardthombs opened this issue · 5 comments

If we want to retain compatibility with .NET 3.x but also keep moving forwards with adding things like async/await then I think we need to have a separate build for .NET v4.5+

  • How do we configure AppVeyor?
  • How do we get the Visual Studio solution to support this?
  • How do we configure NuGet?

Issues affected by this: #72, #57, #59, #19, #31.

I'm wondering if we even need to preserve <v4 compat at this point.

I think we make the jump to NetStandard 1.6 which is supported by 4.6.1+

AppVeyor supports build matrices so if we need to we can perform multiple builds... might bump into appveyor freemium limits though unless I bring back the psake build

Visual Studio 2015 i think can work. We'd just setup conditional compilations, but this gets tricky fast.

Build process would output multiple dlls into nuget convention directories:

  • lib/net3.5/Google.Maps.dll
  • lib/net4.0/Google.Maps.dll
  • lib/net4.5/Google.Maps.dll
  • lib/netstandard1.4/Google.Maps.dll (eventually)

However, I think we can probably drop <v4 support at this point

Jumping to 1.6 sounds good to me, but if I'm reading this correctly then folks wouldn't be able to build UWP programs with it, which might be a problem?

So maybe we should do 1.4 or even 1.2, then Windows Phone would still be usable, although does anybody really care about that anymore?

How about we start by updating our minimum framework version from 3.5 -> 4.61? That will at least pave the way for us to add async/await.

Seems like this is not an issue anymore as we're targeting .NET 4.61 as the minimum framework.