
single_view should not copy the value

ilyapopov opened this issue · 10 comments

Currently, single_view requires value type to be copy constructible, and copies it into itself. This, in my view, goes against the concept of view, which is not supposed to own values, but to refer to the original values. Thus I believe single_view should store a reference to original value.

I disagree. Many views own state. They must have O(1) copy and move, and single_view satisfies that requirement.

But this places unnecessary requirements on the element type (one can't use it with non-copiable types). It is also a clear performance pessimization (copy can be expensive). If not changed, it should probably be renamed, since in the current form it is more of a container, rather than a view.

Use case I had is: I have a generic function that takes a range of objects and processes them. But in one place I want to call this function with only one object. I considered passing a single_view, and was surprised by behavior, which is different from what I expect from a view, hence the issue.

Additionally, there is the following text in the Ranges TS:

Otherwise, if both T and const T satisfy Range and reference_t <iterator_t> is not the same type as reference_t <iterator_t> , false; [Note: Deep const-ness implies element ownership, hereas shallow const-ness implies reference semantics. — end note]

Which implies that the range that owns its elements should not be considered a view.

That's merely a heuristic for guessing at the view-ness of a range. That heuristic cannot know that the single_view only holds one element.

@ilyapopov Assuming this is a requirement in your work, as a work around, how about

#include <type_traits>
#include <range/v3/view/single.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/indirect.hpp>

struct reference_single_view_fn {
  template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value, bool> = true>
  auto operator(T&& value) const {
    return ranges::view::single(&value) | ranges::view::indirect;

static constexpr reference_single_view_fn reference_single_view{};

@CaseyCarter can you remind me why the single_view returns by value instead of by (const?) lvalue reference? It prevents view::single from working with move-only types.

No idea. single_view's iterators are pointers in P0896:

template<CopyConstructible T>
  requires is_object_v<T>
class single_view : public view_interface<single_view<T>> {
  semiregular<T> value_; // exposition only
  single_view() = default;
  constexpr explicit single_view(const T& t);
  constexpr explicit single_view(T&& t);
  template<class... Args>
    requires Constructible<T, Args...>
  constexpr single_view(in_place_t, Args&&... args);

  constexpr T* begin() noexcept;
  constexpr const T* begin() const noexcept;
  constexpr T* end() noexcept;
  constexpr const T* end() const noexcept;
  constexpr static ptrdiff_t size() noexcept;
  constexpr T* data() noexcept;
  constexpr const T* data() const noexcept;

template<class T>
  explicit single_view(T&&) -> single_view<decay_t<T>>;

It's roughly std::array<std::optional<T>, 1>.

I like P0896's formulation better.

FWIW: span<T, 1> provides a good "reference to a single element" View, albeit one that is awkward to construct.

#918 makes single_view work with move-only types by returning by reference, as in P0896.