
Help our model "Get Good" (or: "Get Good (enough)")

Closed this issue · 1 comments

With the initial infrastructure set-up for all parts of the project, we've been able get the features generated (average counts of concept_ids), perform some initial filtering using Pearson Correlation/PCA, run the data through the model selection framework (LR, SVM, Random Forest), and use NLP to identify concept_ids that are promising based on the separate CORD dataset. Good stuff!

However, our model still needs to "get good". Let's evaluate using framework below, feel free to add/expand/modify as you see fit. Add new posts with major updates (I can organize this during meetings)

Current best:

Local Test Results DREAM Test Results
AUC 0.66 ...
AUPR ... ...
Balanced Accuracy ... ...
Features Used 464 clinical-only features ...
Best Model LR ...
Other Notes Pulled info from paper submission ...

Model is "good-enough" for the report. Good work everyone!