
next or webpack error when running

raymatos opened this issue · 7 comments

node:child_process Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from "node:child_process" is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme). Webpack supports "data:" and "file:" URIs by default. You may need an additional plugin to handle "node:" URIs. Import trace for requested module: node:child_process ./node_modules/discord.js/src/sharding/Shard.js ./node_modules/discord.js/src/index.js ./node_modules/midjourney/libs/midjourney.js ./node_modules/midjourney/libs/index.js

me too . use the latest version

zcpua commented

node version >=18

使用了最新的midjourney的依赖,就会导致这个问题尝试了18.16.0, 19.9.0以及最新版本的nodejs,依然是上面的报错

same issue

same issue, just local and vercel works fine.


i am using node 18