
Send correct link for signatures

Opened this issue · 2 comments

From Laura

So now all SSO username fields start with "SSO:"
and all cert user fields start with "/" and the rest must be
basic auth username fields - how hard would it be to check
the username text for the ID field to be notified of
document change or signature, then put the link
in the email to the SSO URL if it starts with "SSO:",
to the cert URL if starts with "/", and
else to the basic auth URL field?

Another "if" may need to be added so that if the
authentication method is CERN's Shibboleth style,
then it uses CERN's Shibboleth URL instead of
the basic auth URL.

Then if I've got this right, each user gets a link to
whichever version they are using for notifications
and signatures, and it can be changed with a transfer
if they want it changed.

If this is complicated, we can punt though.
Trying to avoid use confusion (and tickets) from
users clicking on the wrong links in emails from DocDB.

Will have to default to the DocDB sending the notification and may want a way to turn off the auto detection.

I looked at this and at first glance it appears to be too much of a change this late in the game. The reason is that in theory multiple people get the same e-mail and they might have different signing methods. Also, the bit that crafts the message does not actually know which user it’s being sent to.

If I’m right and you get to start decommissioning anything but public and SSO DocDBs, this may become irrelevant. As it is, they should get links to all the various versions that exist.

Agreed this needs to wait. Sent comment via email 2018/05/21.