
"Transfer" updates signature / "last signed" date instead of leaving it as it was

Closed this issue · 2 comments

If I have a document signed by my cert in the past,
then I do a transfer due to accessing my SSO account for the first time
(or probably any other transfer), the date of the signature and
the "last signed" date on the document or changed to the
time of the transfer, rather than preserving the date they
actually signed (with the other account).

Ideally, a transfer would not change these dates.
[We may not have seen these before because
"last signed" wasn't listed on the doc info left bare
the date of the signature was not listed in the document.]

But this means every person who has a Fermi UID CILogon cert
who then starts using SSO (which will transfer since we have
TransferCertToSSO on) will then have all their signature times
updated of items they signed long ago. The experimenters
may want to keep the historical info of when the doc was signed.

This may have other side effects, like changing what is
shown under search order of docs or "Document changed
in the last N days" lists, when the doc has not changed.

The signature date comes from the timestamp field:
So a change will change that field. I can look to see if there is an easy way to avoid that.

It won't affect document changed searches, those go off the timestamp of the document revision field

This is fixed. Closing issue.

  • auto-transfer on new SSO account does not change signature date.
    Does change to the new account for signing the doc as desired.
  • Manual transfer also does not change the signature date.
    Does change to the new account for signing the doc as desired.

I think the experimenters will be happy that the signature date history is
preserved since so many people will have their cert accounts xferred to SSO.