
Improvements / Giving Back

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey Eric,

I was looking for a great AoC template to start with after I finished my first day and had trouble benchmarking it. I stumbled onto yours and loved it, so I stole it. I made a few improvements, most notably the inclusion of unit tests that you can plug your example data into to verify your solutions work automatically! Here's a link, in case you want to merge it back into yours. Warning, I have completed Day 2, so don't look at it until you've done yours. 😁


Great idea! I had done my test-driving of the setup on the first couple of days in prior years, and I often don't test the examples in the first couple of days. I was going to want that functionality in about a week or so, though. Good looking out!

Well, I never actually got around to implementing this, but it was still a great idea. I hope it helped you out as much as I think it should have!