
prune TxLookUp: .idx file has wrong baseDataID?

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Saw this error in the logs, mainnet new sync.

Apparently it didn't affect sync as blocks are advancing, but it keeps logging it every cycle.

INFO[12-27|17:30:07.973] [4/6 Execution] Done                     blk=21440999 blks=5001 blk/s=18.8 txs=939409 tx/s=3.53k gas/s=284.58M buf=3.
4GB/512.0MB stepsInDB=0.00 step=1707.3 inMem=false alloc=17.3GB sys=27.9GB
INFO[12-27|17:30:07.973] BuildFilesInBackground                   step=1706 lastInDB=1706
INFO[12-27|17:30:07.973] [4/6 Execution] DONE                     in=4m25.6146835s block=21435999
INFO[12-27|17:30:12.066] head updated                             age=1w17h11m head=0x1a63231419efe3109c0bb595c298fbe565c07e832ae14e9d82bca65f
9f021eb5 hash=0x1a63231419efe3109c0bb595c298fbe565c07e832ae14e9d82bca65f9f021eb5 commit=6.286042ms alloc=10.2GB sys=28.1GB
EROR[12-27|17:30:12.066] runPostForkchoiceInBackground            error="[5/6 TxLookup] prune TxLookUp: .idx file has wrong baseDataID? 1<2662
073268, v1-021410-021420-transactions.seg"

sorry, opened issue in the wrong repo.