
SudoSlider 3.5.1

Marty861 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, first of all, thank you for your awesome work! I would like to ask when will be new version (3.5.1) ready for NPM? It's not possible to update right now - I'd like to solve new animation (translate->margin) problem in chrome 88. Thank you!

You're right, I forgot about npm when crafting the new release.
I've just published 3.5.1 on npm.

That's what happens when it's 2.5 years since the last release 😅

Thanks so much and sry for the typo:))! You're the best! ♥

I'm just happy to help.

I like the idea of open source, and that we all help each other where we can.

This project was literally how I learned to code in JavaScript (12 years ago, I've gotten better since).
And now I got a dream job at Github writing code analysis for JavaScript.

I mean... Open source is just great.