
Error in the help text of sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer

zikato opened this issue · 3 comments

zikato commented

Line 94 says

SELECT 'EXEC sp_HumanEvents @event_type = N''blocking'', @keep_alive = 1;' UNION ALL

But it should reference sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer
Also, there is no parameter @event_type.

Looks like a copy-paste error

@zikato no, that's showing how to set up the blocked process report event with sp_HumanEvents.

hi, i'm sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer!
you can use me in conjunction with sp_HumanEvents to quickly parse the sqlserver.blocked_process_report event
EXEC sp_HumanEvents @event_type = N'blocking', @keep_alive = 1;
it will also work with another extended event session to capture blocking

But I do see why that looks confusing, so I'm going to add a line with an example execution of sp_HumanEventsBlockViewer

zikato commented

Ahh, that makes sense. But yes, that's exactly what confused me.

Closed via #356