
error after install

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Predis\Response\ServerException' with message 'ERR unknown command 'SCAN'' in /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/vendor/src/Client.php:367 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/vendor/src/Client.php(332): Predis\Client->onErrorResponse(Object(Predis\Command\KeyScan), Object(Predis\Response\Error)) #1 /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/vendor/src/Client.php(312): Predis\Client->executeCommand(Object(Predis\Command\KeyScan)) #2 /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/index.php(14): Predis\Client->__call('scan', Array) #3 /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/index.php(14): Predis\Client->scan(0, 'MATCH', '*', 'COUNT', 1000) #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/phpRedisAdmin/vendor/src/Client.php on line 367

phpRedisAdmin uses the SCAN command to get all keys in your keyspace. You are using a super old version of redis (from 2013) which doesn't support this command yet. You need to set keys => true in your config file. See:

fbens commented

I have the same problem too,after change the keys from false to true, problem resolved.
file: includes/