
evaluate coulomb 0.5.0-RC1

erikerlandson opened this issue · 9 comments

This is an issue to track smoke-testing publication of 0.5.0-RC1, which is the first release cross-published to scala.js and jvm.

@cquiroz can you take release candidate 0.5.0-RC1 for a spin with scala.js and jvm just to sanity check that it's working?

It is working, I updated a PR I had previously on a local snapshot. Tests are working too


Nice. I've been having friction pushing these libs to bintray. I am going to test publishing to my sonatype account to see if it's more stable.

I have been setting up sbt-ci-release on all my proyecta to simplify the release process.

I've been thinking about that. Everyone likes it. I don't maintain a lot of projects and so far "sbt +publish" isn't sufficiently painful for me to switch 😁

I get increasingly frequent timeout errors and other failures publishing coulomb to bintray, which seems to be correlated with bintray's weird latency on publishing even small packages, combined with my ever-growing list of coulomb sub-projects

I'm wading through the sonatype workflow to create the namespace for publishing. I'm going to do a test publish there for a "-RC2" and make a decision where I publish the official 0.5.0 releas

@cquiroz I have published 0.5.0-RC2 up on sonatype - this should not require the bintray resolver. RC2 is identical to RC1 except for being published to sonatype instead of bintray.

Thanks RC2 is working out of maven central

official release 0.5.0 is published 🎉 thanks @cquiroz !