
Google cache - 404

NaorShlomi opened this issue ยท 3 comments

First of all - I'm really glad this project exists ๐Ÿ‘

I have an SEO problem.
When i look at the cached version of my website (cache:, I get a 404 page.
I can not figure out why.

For example:

I'd be happy if someone could explain the problem.

Thanks in advance,

@NaorShlomi That link opened for me.


Yes, because the CSS and javascript files were not loaded successfully (Maybe because I uploaded a new version while Google was trying to access old files)..

Once everything loads successfully, the site goes to page 404 - and this is the problem I can't understand

"Once everything loads successfully, the site goes to page 404 - and this is the problem I can't understand"
@NaorShlomi Hi, Did you fin a solution ? Is there any hope to solve this problem ?