
What are folks using today?

oyeanuj opened this issue · 7 comments

So, I know the repo has long been dead but I am curious for a lot of us who picked it up in its heyday - what solutions are we using today? Did you move to a new boilerplate? Or a new strategy for SSR? What tools are you using for async data loading? Are you using dynamic component loading?

As I get ready to productionalize my app, I am looking to pick a setup to go to production with. Hence, the curiosities!

the best solution right now:

if you want a CRA-Redux-Express API configuration you can test my solution:


@oyeanuj I'm not sure create-react-app is a very appropriate choice for prod applications, as far as I know the main focus is to be a quick bootstrapper.

If you're looking for a boilerplate to start from that supports SSR, dynamic components/routes, etc, I would recommend NextJs. I'm not affiliated with it in any way, but it's really well thought out, and supported by a paid team of devs.

I updated and used the same logic

@dawidvdh Can you add a feature list to the README, as well as some basic specs like TTFB and bundle size with the raw boilerplate? I didn't get into the source at all, but if your target audience is "power users", you'll need to convince them it's as good or better than something they could hand roll for their specific purposes.

@isaachinman yes I will definitely add that as soon as I get a gap, check out the source though when you have time and let me know your thoughts.