
Improve error handling

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

When something goes wrong, the current error messages don't really point you in any direction. In general, it just complains about JSON format or something....

Fixed. In the future, I need to pay more attention to not ignoring errors returned by libraries.

@erikvanbrakel me again ๐Ÿ˜…
I've been looking through your updates to find what I'm doing is in accordance and it seems that I am doing right.
I've entered this topic because I'm getting this message:
* sumologic_collector.collector: unexpected end of JSON input

Which seems that my binary is a bit behind from your commits as you mentioned here

In general, it just complains about JSON format or something....

And well, for example, the attribute "category" from Collector is still mandatory, as it is not in your current code.
Therefore could you please check and update the release page, please? :)
So far you've done a great job here! Thanks again!

That's right. I'm not tagging every single change. Actually, there's no real strategy on when I tag something, haha. I'll make a release now ๐Ÿ‘

Haha all good, I just tested it and the error message also changed ๐Ÿ˜†
Thanks heaps for your continuous and quick support!