
Android ClassNotFoundException PullToRefreshListView

narcech opened this issue · 1 comments

I add the source code into my package, the app runs well before I packaged it with progard.cfg, but it went wrong after that operation
And it throw ClassNotFoundException Error.

07-19 15:09:14.776: E/AndroidRuntime(585): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

this happended after I update my ADT(this ADT can send warn infos in the XML file). it goes well before I update this ADT.
And I tried to update the Android SDK too, still not working.

and I add this PullToRefreshListView widget in the XML file like this:

        android:listSelector="@android:color/transparent" >

the ADT version20.0.1's requirement is here. And I checked nothing's wrong with the environment.

I can directly run the App successfully, but crash happends when jump to the Activity containing PullToRefreshListView after I obfuscated code and packaged it.

How can I solve this problem

Is there a reason you don't use this project as a library? You need to tell proguard to not obfuscate the PullToRefreshListView class by adding this to your proguard config file:

-keep public class