Each time I pull to refresh my item in the list is clicked
lechon opened this issue · 7 comments
I'm trying to use your project but actually I'm having a problem with the ClickEvent.
Each time I do pull to refresh, the item pressed under my finger is called with the ClickEvent. I need to be able to do click the items but not when i'm refreshing it.
I've been trying to control the list onItemClick event with the method isRefreshing() but before the State is updated, the Item Click Event is called and launch the detail associated to this item.
Is there any way to control the pass of the event?
Ps: when I declare the < eu.erikw.PullToRefreshListView.. I've added the android:clickable="false"/>.
Hi, are you using the master or development branch? And are you up to date?
I have the master branch and yes, i download the latest version two weeks ago.
Jose M
Could you try the 'development' branch? There are some fixes merged there from pull requests that might solve your problem.
Thanks, I will try asap.
Jose M
I have the same Issue with the development branch. Seams to happen if you pull the menu down very fast
Yes, the problem has been kept in both branches. There's a few better things in the developer branch but this problem hasn't been solved yet. Totally agree with wemakeweb, if you click carefully, you might avoid select a row, but this way it isn't easy to use when we have to use both effects, pull and click.