
warning.js:45 Warning: setState(...): Can only update a mounted or mounting component

rkmax opened this issue · 3 comments

rkmax commented

captura de pantalla de 2016-03-23 00-50-22

I have a logic where show a static content or a editable content based on a switch

the switch it's pretty simple

{allowEdit ? <TagInput {...props} /> : <span>{...}</span>}

the problem arises when allowEdit is set to false and the TagInput is unmounted

I'm going to setup a project and see if I can reproduce and fix this and get back to you ASAP, thanks for reporting.

@rkmax fixed on 1.1.3, there was a timeout with a reference to the component that was not being cleared on unmount

rkmax commented

thanks @mvader I'll check this new version