
Allow disabling certificate_authorities extension with peer-to-peer setup with TLS 1.3

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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Since OTP >=24.3, certificate_authorities extension is configurable for the client and defaults to false. However, in a peer-to-peer setup (i.e. with verify_peer), the server may still try to use the certificate_authorities extension and fails to handshake in some situations, such as when you might manually manage a separate store of client signer CA certificates and are unable to include all CA's with all requests.

Describe the solution you'd like

The ability to set {certificate_authorities, false} with using verify_peer for peer-to-peer connections to disable the extension for both client and server

Additional context

This was originally investigated in nerves-project/nerves_system_rpi4#160 (comment) and more context is available there.
You can also see @tonnenpinguin bare minimum project to reproduce the error with this setup

/cc @fhunleth

It looks very similar to #6105

This change appears to be responsible for the new behaviour: e165a3368da#diff-280aa9e67bfae54121bde3ed8b7e1eea6f845f68ca0600c96331fbacb315672b

@jjcarstens Would the solution in #6204 be sufficient to solve your use case? Or do you have uses cases where some but not all CA (except for ROOT Cas) would be excluded?

Thanks @IngelaAndin ! I think this issue is technically different than #6105. I tested your #6204 solution and I technically can get it to work from the client (with the minor change from my PR comment), but it seems like it is still forcing the certificate_authorities check on the server when its not necessarily wanted (since the majority of the case we we looking up pinned certificates and dont need to validate the signer CA coming in and can just ignore it)

That said, I'm not too incredibly verse with SSL practices and there may be reasoning I'm missing and this new implementation could be totally acceptable

I agree that this is different from #6105, I will now merge that solution and I think rather an option to not use the certificate_authorities extension is what would be appropriate for your use case. It would be fairly easy to add such an option, however, we are currently reworking the option handling so we would prefer to wait for that before introducing new options, but if you are in a hurry you are always welcome to make a suggestion in a PR.