How to start the server?
maximvl opened this issue · 2 comments
maximvl commented
Hello, I'm looking into sourcer as a replacement for now-unmantained EDTS, but can not even start it :)
Could you tell me how it's supposed to be started/used?
2> application:ensure_all_started(lsp_server).
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Apr-2019::16:33:38 ===
application: lsp_server
exited: {{error,
type: temporary
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Apr-2019::16:33:38 ===
application: getopt
exited: stopped
type: temporary
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Apr-2019::16:33:38 ===
application: jsx
exited: stopped
type: temporary
vladdu commented
Hi, I'm sorry, I missed this question. Will try to answer this weekend.
vladdu commented
Sorry again, a lot of stuff happening.
The server is meant to get started through the erlang_ls
script. With a -h
argument it will print the options to configure it. The default is to use communicate via a TCP connection; using stdio is currently not well tested.
The way you started it, it probably did not have the code path setup properly.