
accessing manifesto project api

Primary LanguagePython


accessing manifesto project api in python

manifestopy is a small package to use the basic functions of the Manifesto Project API in python.

importing manifestopy

from manifestopy import manifestopy as mp

using manifestopy

connect to the manifesto api by initializing the Manifesto object

manifesto = mp.Manifesto('API key goes here')


  • mp_coreversions

list the core dataset versions

  • mp_metaversions

list corpus metadata versions

  • mp_maindataset

gets the specified version of the core dataset (default = most recent dataset)

manifesto.mp_maindataset(version = 'current')
  • mp_meta

corpus metadata for a list of parties in elections, with specified party, date, country

manifesto.mp_meta(version = 'current', keys = None, date = None, country = None)
  • mp_corecitation

get citation for the core dataset.

  • mp_corpuscitation

get citation for corpus dataset


See also: Manifesto Project API Documentation