
Support for Time Cartesian Axis

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Feature request for handling of large data series where x value is a DateTime. Requires moment.js.

Could you change your code using ChartJs 4.1.0 please?

I added an example using Chart.js 4.1.0 ( and date.fns) here:

Added another Chart.js 4.1.0 example using Javascript dates instead of strings. You can then disable Chart.js parsing date strings and get better performance with large data sets.

Good thank you. I'll have a look and let you know when the implementation is done.

with the latest version of the component, now you can add time axis. Let me know if it is working for you.

I got it working by adding property AxesTime to class Models.Common.Axis and adding file wwwroot/lib/Chart.js/moment.js as the chartjs-adapter-moment.js is part of the package, but moment.js itself is not. So moment.js should either be packed as well or included in the users project.