
"Change Actor Images" command doesn't mark a resource as being used

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Exporting while excluding unused resources also excludes resources which are only used by the "Change Actor Images" command.
If I export the game with RPGM, these resources are included in the exported game.

For reproduction, you can also check here:

The character image aura_rl_brown.png should be in the exported game, but it is not copied.
When exporting with RPGMaker, the file is copied correctly also when exclude unused resources is selected.

Environment Details

  • rpgmpacker Version: 2.0.4
  • Node.js Version: Didn't check.
  • Package Manager: npm


* - 322: change actor images, [1] is face name, [3] is character name, [5] is battler name
* - 323: change vehicle image, [1] is face name

} else if (code === 322) {
const params = event.parameters as string[];
specialPush(res.faceNames, params[1]);
specialPush(res.characterNames, params[3]);
specialPush(res.actorBattlerNames, params[5]);
} else if (code === 323) {
const params = event.parameters as string[];
specialPush(res.faceNames, params[1]);

hmm, I did add this event

The event gets parsed correctly and auro_rl_brown is added to the used character names list


the file operation was also successfully created and the file was copied:


The logs say the file was not copied, I guess the only difference is I'm on Windows and the CI runs on Linux. Guess I'll test with WSL

Just to make sure: You are on the commit from the build job used? fbf0462082f44c3698da19e7b178c4326ba3ce00
In the HEAD of the develop branch I used a workaround (added a dummy character)

nvm was just dumb, will be fixed in 2.0.5