
Contribute code worth TWO POINTS

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  1. Go to the "trophy list" code spreadsheet:
  2. Skim through the first three sheets of the file; the 1st sheet lists classical codes and the 2nd and 3rd list quantum codes.
  3. Pick a code that is not crossed out and that is worth TWO POINTS (with points listed in column D).
  4. Contribute that code to the zoo by creating a code yml file (following template.yml) and doing a pull request.

FYI (I just found this out.) Being assigned to this issue will happen for the first person (or team) to make a contribution which resolves this issue. Until then, it's fair game! In the meantime, you can work on it without being assigned, and open a PR when you're ready. If it solves the issue, we'll assign you, and close the issue so you can be rewarded!