In this project we built enumerable methods that correspons to the built-in ruby enumerable methods. The main goal of the project was to learn the building blocks of ruby proramming language.
- Ruby
This project contains selfmade enumerable methods such as
- my_each
- my_each_with_index
- my_select
- my_count
- my_all?
- my_any?
- my_none?
- my_map
- my_inject
- Ruby (2.7.1)
To get a local copy of the repository please run the following commands on your terminal:
git clone
cd Enumerable-Methods
[1, 2, 3].my_each { |i| i > 2 } # => 3
[1, 2, 3].my_each_with_index { |item, index| puts index } # => 0 1 2
[5, 4, 1].my_select { |i| i == 4 } # => [4]
%w[ant bear cat].my_all? { |word| word.length >= 4 } # => false
[nil, true, 99].my_any?(Integer) # => true
[nil, false, true].my_none? # => false
[1, 3, 5].my_count { |i| i > 1 } # => 2
(1..4).my_map { |i| i*i } # => [1, 4, 9, 16]
(5..10).my_inject { |sum, n| sum + n } # => 45
👤 Maryjane
Github: @maryjane
Twitter: @AlfredMaryjane
Linkedin: Maryjane Akpagbue
👤 Rayhan
Github: @ershadul1
Twitter: @ErshadulRayhan
Linkedin: ErshadulRayhan
- To contribute to this project:
- Fork this repository & clone locally.
- Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy.
- create a new branch.
- Push your code to your origin repository.
- Create a new Pull Request .
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- The Odin Project