
Ducksboard API wrapper on node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

build status


Node.js Ducksboard API wrapper.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install ducksnode

var options = {
	api_key : '#your api key#'

var ducksnode = require('ducksnode').create(options);

// simple push to 'my_widget'
ducksnode.push('my_widget', 324);

// pushing an object instead of a primitive value.
ducksnode.push('my_widget', {value: 324, timestamp: 1342421466862});

// push to 'my_widget' with callback
ducksnode.push('my_widget', 324, function (err, response_status){
	if (err){
		console.error(err); //error pushing to ducksboard server.

// push to more than one widget, with callback
ducksnode.push(['my_widget1', 'my_widget2'], 324, function (err, response_status){
  //this callback will be called once for each widget
	if (err){
		console.error(err); //error pushing to ducksboard server.

Run the tests with: npm test (requires mocha)


Look into the "examples" folder

Release History

0.1.0 Initial release


  • mjschranz : Allow for multiple widget id's to be sent at once.


  • Pull API
  • Http Pull API
  • Websockets API
  • Dashboard API


Copyright (c) 2012 Iván Loire Licensed under the MIT license.