blockquote issues
Closed this issue · 6 comments
> [!NOTE]
> Paragraph 1
> Paragraph 2
<p class="note"></p>
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
or output:
<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
If I want to implement the above mentioned features, can you tell me how to modify the code?Thank you very much!
Hi @xfstu, I am working on Alerts too! Have you solved this? Were you able to get Alerts rendering to work with blockquote elements?
@Meng-Heng yes,I changed the code at the elements function:
protected function elements(array $Elements)
$markup = '';
$autoBreak = true;
foreach ($Elements as $Element) {
if (empty($Element)) {
$autoBreakNext = (isset($Element['autobreak'])
? $Element['autobreak'] : isset($Element['name'])
// (autobreak === false) covers both sides of an element
$autoBreak = !$autoBreak ? $autoBreak : $autoBreakNext;
$markup .= ($autoBreak ? "\n" : '') . $this->element($Element);
$autoBreak = $autoBreakNext;
$modified_html = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) {
// 将内容按换行符分割
$lines = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $matches[1]);
// 为每一行添加 <p> 标签
$lines = array_map(function ($line) {
/* switch ($line) {
case '[!NOTE]':
$line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag note\'></span>';
case '[!IMPORTANT]':
$line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag important\'></span>';
case '[!WARNING]':
$line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag warning\'></span>';
case '[!TIP]':
$line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag tip\'></span>';
case '[!IMPORTANT]':
$line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag important\'></span>';
} */
return '<p class=\'blockquote-p\'>' . (trim($line)) . '</p>';
}, $lines);
// 重新组合 <blockquote> 内容
return '<blockquote>' . implode('', $lines) . '</blockquote>';
// dump($markup);
// dump($modified_html);
$modified_html .= $autoBreak ? "\n" : '';
return $modified_html;
Ha ha, it should be here. I changed the location so much that I forgot
But I found that the correct markdown tag would be:
> [!NOTE]
>row 1
> row2
> ...more
For [!NOTE] tags, etc., you should use this keyword or other algorithms to identify the icon you need, such as a warning icon with a prompt. I don't know if that description is correct.
For example, I handle the blockquote tag in the front-end JavaScript:
var mapping = {
'[!NOTE]': { className: 'note', displayText: 'NOTE' },
'[!TIP]': { className: 'tip', displayText: 'TIP' },
'[!IMPORTANT]': { className: 'important', displayText: 'IMPORTANT' },
'[!WARNING]': { className: 'warning', displayText: 'WARNING' },
'[!CAUTION]': { className: 'caution', displayText: 'CAUTION' }
// Select all blockquote elements
var blockquotes = el.querySelectorAll('blockquote')
// Iterate over each blockquote
blockquotes.forEach(function (blockquote) {
// Get the first child element
var firstChild = blockquote.firstElementChild
// Check if the first child is a <p> element
if (firstChild && firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'p') {
// Get the trimmed text content of the first child
var content = firstChild.textContent.trim()
// Check if the content matches one of the keys in the mapping object
if (mapping[content]) {
// Get the corresponding class name and display text
var className = mapping[content].className
var displayText = mapping[content].displayText
// Add the corresponding class to the blockquote
blockquote.classList.add('blockquote-' + className)
// Replace the first child's content
firstChild.innerHTML = '<span class="icon-color-' + className + '"><i class="ali icon-' + className + ' icon-color-' + className + '"></i>' + displayText + '</span>'
} else {
console.log('No <p> element found in blockquote')
It allows lines with the [!NOTE] keyword to be replaced with ICONS
@Meng-Heng yes,I changed the code at the elements function:
protected function elements(array $Elements) { $markup = ''; $autoBreak = true; foreach ($Elements as $Element) { if (empty($Element)) { continue; } $autoBreakNext = (isset($Element['autobreak']) ? $Element['autobreak'] : isset($Element['name']) ); // (autobreak === false) covers both sides of an element $autoBreak = !$autoBreak ? $autoBreak : $autoBreakNext; $markup .= ($autoBreak ? "\n" : '') . $this->element($Element); $autoBreak = $autoBreakNext; } $modified_html = preg_replace_callback( '#<blockquote>\s*<p>(.*?)</p>\s*</blockquote>#s', function ($matches) { // 将内容按换行符分割 $lines = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $matches[1]); // 为每一行添加 <p> 标签 $lines = array_map(function ($line) { /* switch ($line) { case '[!NOTE]': $line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag note\'></span>'; break; case '[!IMPORTANT]': $line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag important\'></span>'; break; case '[!WARNING]': $line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag warning\'></span>'; break; case '[!TIP]': $line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag tip\'></span>'; break; case '[!IMPORTANT]': $line = '<span class=\'blockquote-tag important\'></span>'; break; } */ return '<p class=\'blockquote-p\'>' . (trim($line)) . '</p>'; }, $lines); // 重新组合 <blockquote> 内容 return '<blockquote>' . implode('', $lines) . '</blockquote>'; }, $markup ); // dump($markup); // dump($modified_html); $modified_html .= $autoBreak ? "\n" : ''; return $modified_html; }
Ha ha, it should be here. I changed the location so much that I forgot
But I found that the correct markdown tag would be:
> [!NOTE] > >row 1 > > row2 > > ...more
For [!NOTE] tags, etc., you should use this keyword or other algorithms to identify the icon you need, such as a warning icon with a prompt. I don't know if that description is correct.
For example, I handle the blockquote tag in the front-end JavaScript:
var mapping = { '[!NOTE]': { className: 'note', displayText: 'NOTE' }, '[!TIP]': { className: 'tip', displayText: 'TIP' }, '[!IMPORTANT]': { className: 'important', displayText: 'IMPORTANT' }, '[!WARNING]': { className: 'warning', displayText: 'WARNING' }, '[!CAUTION]': { className: 'caution', displayText: 'CAUTION' } } // Select all blockquote elements var blockquotes = el.querySelectorAll('blockquote') // Iterate over each blockquote blockquotes.forEach(function (blockquote) { // Get the first child element var firstChild = blockquote.firstElementChild // Check if the first child is a <p> element if (firstChild && firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'p') { // Get the trimmed text content of the first child var content = firstChild.textContent.trim() // Check if the content matches one of the keys in the mapping object if (mapping[content]) { // Get the corresponding class name and display text var className = mapping[content].className var displayText = mapping[content].displayText // Add the corresponding class to the blockquote blockquote.classList.add('blockquote-' + className) console.log(firstChild) // Replace the first child's content firstChild.innerHTML = '<span class="icon-color-' + className + '"><i class="ali icon-' + className + ' icon-color-' + className + '"></i>' + displayText + '</span>' } else { console.log('No <p> element found in blockquote') blockquote.classList.add('blockquote-default') } } })It allows lines with the [!NOTE] keyword to be replaced with ICONS
Perhaps the [!NOTE] can be changed directly to a recognizable icon in the Parsedown elements function
I'm doing this in a different way but yours's seems a bit more complicated. Did you get it to appear as expected?
I'm doing this in a different way but yours's seems a bit more complicated. Did you get it to appear as expected?
@Meng-Heng Yes, it worked as I expected, and it was a bit more complex, haha, I'm not a professional programmer and my code looks a bit weird.