
Does Eclim support the following features for Python development?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi all,

Currently, I use Vim 8 with YouCompleteMe, Syntastic, and Python-mode, pretty
much work in tmux/zsh. I like the workflow, but I also understand that
IDE's sometimes provide benefits when working on large codebases. Towards that, I
am considering using Eclim/Pydev with VIM running in Tmux on Ubuntu 16.04. I pretty much work only in Python these days.

Things I am looking for Python development

  1. better code completion compared to YouCompleteMe
  2. Code Navigation (GoToDefinition)
  3. Code browsing capabilities
  4. Refactoring

If I run Pydev in the background, and communicate with it through VIM, will I
be able to get these functionalities?

yes, you can get almost everything you asked for. Refactoring is still a hard job (though rope is useful).
if you don't mind to use neovim instead of vim (and you should), you can check the scripts i am preparing, you might get a working system easily: (neovim+youcompleteme+eclim+eclipse). Feel free to ask if you need something else.

  1. better code completion compared to YouCompleteMe

Maybe? I don't know what YCM can do, but pydev + eclim has pretty good completion.

  1. Code Navigation (GoToDefinition)


  1. Code browsing capabilities

Little too vague for me to really comment on.

  1. Refactoring

No refactoring support currently.

You can look at the docs to see what's supported:

Code browsing capabilities
Little too vague for me to really comment on.

I meant.. something like taglist or tagbar with gutentags/ctags?

Is that possible?

@alnavv.. thanks.. that almost what I am looking for.. I will try it out on a fresh VM

Should this work on any generic linux distro, or do you have this working on Mac?

I meant.. something like taglist or tagbar with gutentags/ctags?

I use my own taglist variant (, but I left that functionality out of eclim since there are several plugins that provide that feature.