CSSO css compression error
Mantic opened this issue · 3 comments
Mantic commented
Compressing the css line:
background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at center, rgb(90, 90, 255) 4%, #003 65%);
(through CSSO: the default css compressor in Piler) yields:
background-image: radial-gradient(ellipse at center,#5a5aff4%,#003 65%);
the rgb(...) is converted to a color has, but no space is permitted between that and the gradient block percentage.
Mantic commented
I haven't revisited the issue since March 4th. I'm thinking it's a CSSO issue as Piler most likely just passes the css file to CSSO and let's CSSO handle the compression and output.
pocesar commented
this should be fixed in 0.6.0, updated CSSO dependency to 1.3.11, it's using 1.2.x by default