
device_type multiple_lookup is not finding any devices

EoinTheHealy opened this issue · 5 comments


I have 2 bg1 sockets. I can use a custom.conf that works for each individually.

# Type of device. Valid options are 'lookup', 'multiple_lookup', 'rm', 'rm4', 'sp1', 'sp2', 'a1', 'mp1', 'dooya', 'bg1'
device_type = 'bg1' # use lookup

## lookup parameters
lookup_timeout = 20
local_address = ''

## parameters for direct connection
device_host = ''
device_mac  = '24:df:a7:e6:45:29'


# Type of device. Valid options are 'lookup', 'multiple_lookup', 'rm', 'rm4', 'sp1', 'sp2', 'a1', 'mp1', 'dooya', 'bg1'
device_type = 'bg1' # use lookup

## lookup parameters
lookup_timeout = 20
local_address = ''

## parameters for direct connection
device_host = ''
device_mac  = '24:df:a7:e6:3e:9c'

I'm trying to combine them with

# Type of device. Valid options are 'lookup', 'multiple_lookup', 'rm', 'rm4', 'sp1', 'sp2', 'a1', 'mp1', 'dooya', 'bg1'
device_type = 'multiple_lookup' # use lookup

## lookup parameters
lookup_timeout = 20
local_address = ''

## parameters for direct connection
#device_host = ''
#device_mac  = '24:df:a7:e6:3e:9c'

I'm not sure what to specify for host/mac for multiple devices.

Getting response:

[2020-10-22 01:22:10,259] ERROR No Broadlink devices found

Am I missing something here?

Your local address is incorrect. It should be local IP address of your device that is connected to the WIFI network

Your local address is incorrect. It should be local IP address of your device that is connected to the WIFI network

@eschava Firtsly, congratulations for probably the most useful plugin I've seen in a while, it's helping a lot with one of my RM4!

I tried several custom.confs but I'm not getting "lookup" or "multiple lookup" to work, it only works when I set device_type to 'rm4' and one static IP/mac on direct connection.

Currently I'm trying multiple devices with the following custom.conf:

device_type = 'multiple_lookup'

lookup parameters

lookup_timeout = 5
local_address = '' ## raspberry pi ip

parameters for direct connection

device_host = '' ## broadlink rm4 no.1
device_mac = 'A0:43:B0:31:AC:02'
device_host = '' ## broadlink rm4 no.2
device_mac = 'a0:43:b0:15:8a:93'
Could you post an example custom.conf file showing how should be the correct syntax to define two devices on direct connections specifying IP/mac? I understand I would need to specify rm4 on device type as well. If it's not supported, could you please implement that? It's going to be a life saver!

Thanks so much in advance!

for device_type = 'multiple_lookup' parameters device_host/device_mac are ignored,
local_address is still strongly required for devices connected to several networks
BTW, lookup_timeout = 5 looks to small. Could you set it to 30 at least for a test?


thanks for your work. I installed your code a couple of days ago. It works very good with one device (rm).

Now I tried the multiple_lookup and it failed. The „normal“ lookup doesnt work, too.

Whats the deal with the local ip?
Earlier, you posted „ should be local IP address of your device that is connected to the WIFI network“. What does that exactly mean.

My devices are in a vlan seperated from my servers. Could that be a reason (special multicast…)?


Earlier, you posted „ should be local IP address of your device that is connected to the WIFI network“. What does that exactly mean.

I mean that you need to specify there IP address of the network interface connected to the same network as your broadlink devices