
Jupyter notebook example

langenhagen opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Guys, before I fill my autokey config with some stuff that kicks in everywhere, I'd like to rather see a Jupyter notebook playground like I see in expand-demo.gif and maybe use/hack that for starters. Judging from the GIF, seems like you, the authors of compress, did something like this already. but I could not find anything in the current master. Care to share this notebook?

Hi @langenhagen I just made a little javascript app to record the gif, but it was very hacky (I just included a few shortcuts manually that I was going to show in the gif).

You're welcome to make and add a notebook like you're describing!

H @eschluntz, sounds great, would love to. Can you share the hacky js app code in order to get me started? In return, I would ofc send you whatever I might build out of it.