
namespaced views / controllers / models & rinari-find-*

krgn opened this issue · 1 comments

krgn commented

In projects with a couple of namespaces using rinari-find-* does not currently seem to support jumping to the correct destination file, it just ends up offering a list of all controllers / views instead. For instance, if I have a customer namespace in app/controllers and app/views and want to jump from app/views/customer/home/index.haml to the corresponding controller, its unable to distill the correct destination controller file. Is it possible to make this work and how?

Yeah, I'm not immediately sure. The rinari-find-* functions are built on jump.el, and although I am currently the most active rinari maintainer, I haven't dug far enough into jump to see how it all fits together.

There's a corresponding jump spec in rinari.el

("app/views/\\1/\\2\\..*"                 . "app/controllers/\\1_controller.rb#\\2")

which should do the right thing, but that depends on the machinery of jump.el working correctly.

I'm sorry that I don't currently have much time to investigate this (and ultimately I'd like to replace rinari's use of jump.el with Emacs' standard find-file.el). If you beat me to it, I'm happy to incorporate any fixes you might devise.