
Emacs 24 , inf-ruby mystery

ericarnal opened this issue · 9 comments

I've installed everything via elpa and it works great... Until I restart emacs and have a "Emacs 24: Cannot open load file, inf-ruby"

But I noticed that if

  • I remove rinari from my init.el
  • reload my conf file
  • then put again rinari
  • M-x load-file .emacs.d/init.el again

It works again. Not a big issue as I almost never close emacs, but what am I missing ?

You say "elpa", but which package repositories are you using? The recent supported packages are in Marmalade and MELPA.

Sorry. I'm using Marmalade on emacs 24.3 (9.0) OSX.

And while I've just noticed that while installing I get the messages :

Warning (emacs): Unable to activate package ruby-compilation'. Required packageinf-ruby-2.2.1' is unavailable

That's weird, because inf-ruby 2.2.4 is on Marmalade too, right here:

Maybe the package installation was unsuccessful?

inf-ruby was installed but the the problem was that for some reason package.el didn't load dependencies (it used to work fine with Rinari on 23) . I've just added
in my init.el and it works.
Thanks for your help and for your work.

@ericarnal Very glad to hear you got it working -- happy hacking!

for some reason package.el didn't load dependencies

This is actually the expected behavior:

Ah, I see -- I'd never encountered that because I've always used package-initialize.

Me too. I was just recently reminded of it (company-mode/company-mode#5).

I've run in the same issue and I always had (package-initialize) on my init.el

Solution is to run package-refresh-contents