
ruby-compilation using wrong ruby version

littlemove opened this issue · 15 comments

First, I'm pretty sure this has to be with some of my config because nobody is reporting it but it's driving me crazy so here it goes:

Environment description:
OS: OSX 10.8.3.
Emacs version
Rinari is installed via el-get.
I use rbenv to manage ruby versions, but mostly I used the global version which is set to 1.9.3-p392.
I've setup Emacs exec-path to "/Users/diego/.rbenv/shims" "/Users/diego/.rbenv/bin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/opt/local/bin" "/opt/local/sbin" so rbenv shims and ruby versions should take precedence over the default ruby installation that comes with OSX.
I use bundler to manage gems.

When I tried to start a rails webserver via rinari-webserver I get an error

-*- mode: ruby-compilation; default-directory: "~/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/" -*-
RubyComp started at Mon May 13 12:38:12

ruby /Users/diego/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/script/rails server
/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- bundler/setup (LoadError)
    from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
    from /Users/diego/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/config/boot.rb:6
    from /Users/diego/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/script/rails:5:in `require'
    from /Users/diego/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/script/rails:5

RubyComp exited abnormally with code 1 at Mon May 13 12:38:13

Same goes for rinari-rake. But rinari-console works just fine.

So it seems ruby-compilation ignores my exec-path and goes looking for the default OSX installation.

Thank you for taking time reading this and for your awesome work in Rinari.

I have a similar setup locally, and it works for me.

This looks like a path problem on your side. It is usually not sufficient to set exec-path: you also need to set the PATH environment variable. This is a particular problem on OS X, and the reason why I published an elisp library called exec-path-from-shell. Please give that library a try, and let me know if it helps.


Shouldn't rbenv.el take care of that?

Maybe, but the thing I like about rbenv is that it requires less magic than rvm -- just getting the path right is enough. I personally didn't see the point of rbenv.el.

I was doing that via some custom code (which I probably stole from you at some point)

(setenv "SHELL" "/usr/local/bin/zsh")
(setenv "ESHELL" "/usr/local/bin/zsh")

(defun set-exec-path-from-shell-PATH ()
  (let ((path-from-shell (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n]*$" "" (shell-command-to-string "$SHELL --login -i -c 'echo $PATH'"))))
    (setenv "PATH" path-from-shell)
    (setq exec-path (split-string path-from-shell path-separator))))

(when (and *is-a-mac* window-system)

(provide 'exec-path)

and (getenv PATH) gives the same string as exec-path.

Anyway, I will try your library and let you know the results.

Thanks for your patience.

I replace the code above with your library with no success. Bear in mind that the values returned by (getenv PATH) and exec-path were the same I got with "my" code.

I've got the same config working on another computer with no problem... so it's obviously something on my side but, how come ruby-console or shell are using the right path?

Okay, so in the output you pasted originally, the command

ruby /Users/diego/Documents/workspaces/rails3-project/script/rails server

did not work properly, because the selected ruby was obviously the system-wide OS X ruby under /System/Library/Frameworks.

The console command works for you. Well, when the console command is run, a subshell is not started, i.e. emacs directly runs the console command as a sub-process.

In contrast, the commands which are failing for you are run inside a sub-shell, because they are run via the "compile" machinery. That code, in turn, uses the shell-file-name variable to determine which sub-shell to pass the command to.

Now, shell-file-name is initialized to (getenv "SHELL") at startup, so the problem appears to be that you've subsequently overridden your SHELL env var, but Emacs is still running subprocesses with a different shell (probably /bin/bash) which doesn't have the rbenv magic set up. You can confirm that by inspecting the value of shell-file-name.

One solution would therefore be to (setq shell-file-name (getenv "SHELL")).

But what you might want to do instead is to use chsh to properly change your default user shell. I use the Apple-installed zsh myself, and have never encountered this issue.

Both shell-file-name and SHELL got the same value /usr/local/bin/zshwhich is correct and my shell it's properly configured as well.

I'll keep trying to figure this out.

Perhaps try using M-x compile to run /usr/bin/env, and see if there are any clues about what the sub-shell environment is actually like.

Ok, inside emacs env returns a PATH with /usr/bin prior on PATH to the rbenv shims:

I still think it's running the wrong shell. :-)

Try M-x compile then pstree -p $$: from the output, you should be able to see what shell is executing pstree. (I've just tried it using the pstree from homebrew)

(Sorry: just use "pstree" as the command.)

I didn't have / know about pstree command :). Anyway, trying to compile that I've got emacs telling me zsh:1: command not found: pstree

Next I installed pstree. Run again. pstree process has 76545 diego /Applications/ -psn_0_20071203as parent.

Question: ¿How come (getenv PATH) and M-x compile /usr/bin/env got different values?

(getenv "PATH") returns the path that Emacs sees. When compile runs a command, it uses that PATH to execute a shell for running the command, and the shell parses its start-up files, which may then change the PATH seen by the command.

You noticed that /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin: is getting added to the PATH. I expect that one of your shell start-up scripts is responsible for that, so you might get a clue by looking in ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshenv, and ~/.zshrc.


It's not in my profile config, it's on the system wide configuration of zsh on /etc/zshenv

Inside, it calls /usr/libexec/path_helper which mess with the PATH. Why is this file (/etc/zshenv) executed instead or after my own zsh config file when emacs runs a subshell it'e beyond me.

Thank you so much. You've been more than patient knowing that the problem was obviously on my config.

No problem. I'm happy you tracked it down and solved the issue. :-)

Have a great day!