
You cannot use the Aerial screen saver with this version of OS X

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Continuation of discussion regarding bundling of swift 3 libs JohnCoates#378

Thanks, @esetnik, the instruction you've posted in JohnCoates#378 has resolved the issue.

downloaded the latestst release + deleted old files, still no way to actually activate it via screensaver settings, error is displayed like described in the headline in the small preview box on the right...

Are you compiling from source or downloading the zipped release? If you compile from source you have to use Xcode 8. If you are downloading the zipped release I already compiled it with Xcode 8 so it should "Just Work™". But you will still need to follow instructions at JohnCoates#4 if you are having issues.

It should be sufficient to select Aerial as your screen saver and quit and reopen System Preferences.

oh ok, it just showed the error in the preview window. after ignoring it, quitting and reopening it now works. thanks so much 👍

Happy to help