
🎮🔥 Inferno - The Gaming Library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Gaming Search Engine 🎮🔥

Do ⭐ the Repo to Show Some Appreciation

  • Developed this Web-App to gather Ratings, Reviews and the Glimpses of the Game the users would be about to buy.
  • Used ReactJS and Redux and Called in the Data from RAWG API.
  • Beautified using Styled Components and Animated using Framer Motion API.

Installation Guide

Fork the repo

git clone https://github.com/eshaan007/api-digest-2021.git
cd api-digest-2021
npm install 
npm start
The project has successfully started on localhost:3000 !!

Made with ❤️ by Eshaan Khurana and Kavya Tripathi