
Failure to find

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'm trying to build the example projects but I'm failing to do so because of the missing file -jar dependencies. The files are not in the Maven CEF neither can I find them anywhere else on the internet.

#6 @pvandenbroucke mentioned that the files are are manually uploaded. Where can I find them and how do I link them to my project?


I managed to fix the issue by manually building the correct directories in the newest 5.5 branch. Then I added them as a manual dependency through Maven.

Hello Jaan,

We only deploy the framework modules ( and the final bundle.

You can find the different versions of the bundle here :

I hope this helps.



Hi @pvandenbroucke , I'm reaching out on this old thread because I'm having a similar problem to the subject of this issue, except that instead of trying to build example projects, I'm trying to import specific dependencies for a XAdES project i'm working on. I need dss-model, dss-enumerations, specs-xades ect. and have already written working code by manually downloading and adding the jar files for these modules as external dependencies.

However, I'm having classpath issues when building my executable jar due to the manually added external dependencies and I need a more sustainable build configuration. So my question is: I have included the link to your repository in my pom.xml file, but when I try to add the dependencies I need, maven is refusing to find them.

I am trying, for example:



But maven will not find it. Am I including wrong paths or am I misunderstanding what dependencies are available to use?

Sorry for digging up this old thread, but my project is time sensitive and I'm really hoping you might be able to point out where I'm going wrong. Thank you!

Hi @gbcoding,

I did a test with the below code and an empty maven repository :

<project xmlns=""

			<name>CEF Digital</name>


I don't have any trouble to retrieve dss-xades and its transitive dependencies.

How did you configure the access to the CEF digital repository ? Do you use proxy / mirroring,... ? On my side, I have no additional configuration in my maven/conf/settings.xml



@gbcoding Hello, I think you have the same exact issue we did. The Maven tool tries first fetching all the dependencies from external repositories. When it does not found one (and fails the compile) it will then the next time use it's local cache in the .m2 folder which (sometimes) does contain the jars you mentioned.

This is why you @pvandenbroucke may not experience any issues(just guessing).

I created a workaround for the issue in the dockerfile specified in our fork here.

I haven't had the time to test the new 5.7-RC but I think from what I've read that it should at least address the mocca-adapter dependencies. We ended up deleting it from our fork because we don't need it.

Hi, thank you both for your quick replies. As of my first post, I did not do any additional configuring for the CEF digital repository and just included it in my project's pom.xml as posted above. I work for a large company and we are generally mirrored through our company's Artifactory for dependencies, so I worked with my tech lead this morning to try configuring settings.xml to bypass Artifactory in this instance, but we had no luck. It seems the issue is on my end then.

For this project I think I'll have to go the local Maven repository route to correctly package the dependencies. I will submit a request to our architecture team to approve and add your repository to our artifactory so myself or any other developers can easily import your modules in the future.

I appreciate the help.

Dear jaantaponen, pvandenbroucke, gbcoding

I uploaded the new issue of " Please teach how to create the jar file of dss-spi-x509-aia, which is not included in central repository #54 " (#54)

I appreciate if you browse it and add comments.
