
RaceDB Containerized; Testers wanted.

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I don't know about you, I hate having to get RaceDB setup. So, I containerized the application into a Docker container, and created Windows/Linux/Mac controller script to manage it. No command line hacking on WIndows. It's all done in a GUI. This also means, that the container can be deployed anywhere. Currently, I have a test version running in Google Cloud. Updated as a snap by pulling the current version of the container. Additionally, the container uses MySQL ...and because MySQL is also in a container, it does not require the user to install it.

There are a few small changes made to RaceDB. For example, you can now connect to RaceDB by http://localhost without the RaceDB at the end.

I hope to get Ed to move it into his repo, but for the time being you can find that at RACEDB CONTAINER.

Please make comments there.

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